Binge Drinking among AAPI Transitional Age Youth (18-26)

Between October 2023 and March 2024, we conducted a mixed methods pilot study to better understand AAPI-identifying transitional age youth ages 18-26 and their perceptions and behaviors regarding drugs, substance use, peer pressure, and safety. This study was made possible through our collaboration with UCLA KP Center of Health Equity.

Poster on Binge Drinking and Substance Use in AAPI Tays in Southern California. This poster was presented at the UCLA KP Center for Health Equity’s 23rd Annual Health Equity Symposium.
The 23rd Annual UCLA KP Center for Health Equity Symposium is on April 17, 2024. This year’s theme is “Alcohol and Health: Understanding Individual, Community, and Social Impacts of Alcohol.” Register HERE or by clicking the flyer.